Broken Arrow man arrested for child porn

Published: 12/12/2018, 8:49 AM

The Tulsa Police Cyber Crimes Unit and members of the OSBI Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force conducted an undercover investigation into the distribution of child pornography beginning over the summer.

The undercover investigator received child pornography videos on four occasions starting in August 2018.  

A Wagoner County search warrant was executed at a residence on East 39th Place South, Broken Arrow, OK in Wagoner County with the help of OSBI Internet Crimes Against Children Investigators and Wagoner County Sheriff Deputies.

Residents were interviewed and evidence was collected.  

Cyber Crimes Forensic examiners conducted forensic examinations on the digital devices and were able to recover over 100 videos/images that were identified as child pornography.

On 12/11/2018 the suspect, Joshua Steinberg, 36, was arrested at his residence and booked into the Wagoner County Jail on 3 Counts of Distribution of Child Pornography and 1 Count of Aggravated Possession of Child Pornography.


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