Organizations join forces to save Tulsa babies from co-sleeping death

Published: 02/13/2019, 9:02 PM
Edited: 03/11/2021, 10:22 AM
(TULSA, Okla.) The Tulsa Police Department released a gut-wrenching PSA on Wednesday in a renewed effort to save Tulsa babies from unsafe sleeping practices. Watch the full PSA here: Officials said baby suffocation deaths from co-sleeping are on the rise, and Tulsa alone loses at least one infant a month to an unsafe sleep environment. The Child Crisis Unit, EMSA, the Tulsa Fire Department and the Child Abuse Network have now joined forces to combat unsafe sleeping practices. Their goal is to educate the community that even though mothers and fathers may be tired or have fewer resources, co-sleeping is not the answer. Officials urge parents and caregivers to always return the baby to their own bed where they are laying on their back and without excess blankets that could lead to suffocation.


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