Lane Closure for Aero Bus Rapid Transit Construction
(TULSA, Okla.) As construction continues on the underground electrical and surface concrete work to prepare for installation of the Aero Bus Rapid Transit stations, the lane closure will change from one lane to two lanes this Friday, June 14, on South Peoria Avenue just south of East 21st Street. This is because of the narrow width of the street at this location.
Construction is progressing from the north end of the Aero BRT route to the south, along Peoria Avenue from 54th Street North to near 81st Street and South Lewis Avenue.
On Thursday, June 13, the southbound curb lane will be closed on South Peoria just south of 21st Street.
On Friday, June 14, both southbound lanes (west side) of Peoria Avenue will be closed just south of 21st Street, and both north- and southbound traffic will be moved to the northbound lanes (east side) – one lane in each direction. These lane closures will be in effect for one week, after which the traffic will be flipped to the other side of Peoria Avenue.
From June 21 to June 28, both northbound lanes (east side) will be closed on Peoria just south of 21st Street, and traffic will be moved to the southbound lanes (west side), with one lane in each direction.
Lane closures during this project will vary according to the width of the street. The contractor will continue working southward along the Aero BRT route, constructing electrical services and concrete for each of the stops. This includes concrete benches, sidewalks, curbs, bump-outs, and bus pads on the street.
You can find more information about the Aero here:
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