Trooper honored for saving Oklahoma man's life

Published: 10/31/2018, 2:30 PM

Chief’s Award: Trooper Donald Kraft #920

On June 23, 2017, a group of men gathered to play basketball in the Okeene High School gymnasium, as they often did. Trooper Kraft, who was off duty, was taking part in the activity. Another of the regular players, Kirk Milligan, collapsed to the floor during a break in play, injuring his head in the fall.

Trooper Kraft and others immediately attended to Mr. Milligan; Kraft began CPR and directed others at the scene to call 911 and ask for an ambulance. The 911 call failed, so Trooper Kraft decided to load Mr. Milligan into a vehicle and take him to local hospital, less than three blocks away.

With the assistance of others, including Trooper Justin Noll who was on duty in the area, Mr. Milligan was driven to the hospital in the back of a pickup, with Trooper Kraft continuing CPR. Medical professionals at Okeene Municipal Hospital and later at St. Anthony’s Hospital in Oklahoma City were able to treat Mr. Milligan and bring him back to health over the course of several weeks.

For his extraordinary actions that resulted in saving the life of an Oklahoma citizen, we commend Trooper Donald Kraft. He put his own personal safety at risk and exemplified a calm demeanor in a very chaotic citizen. For his clear thinking and life-saving actions, we honor Trooper Kraft with a 2017 Chief’s Award.


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