OSBI releases report on intimate partner murders in Oklahoma

Published: 02/12/2019, 6:51 PM
Edited: 03/11/2021, 10:22 AM
(OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.) Did you know that in nearly 1 out of 5 homicides in the United States, the relationship between the victim and perpetrator is an intimate one (dating, married, etc.)? The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation released its latest report “An Analysis of Intimate Partner Murders in Oklahoma Using State Incident-Based Data" on Tuesday, based on intimate partner murders reported by law enforcement in the State of Oklahoma from 2011-2016. Tulsa County reported the most intimate partner murders during the six-year period. Some of the other key findings include: A spouse was the most common victim to offender relationship type at 50 % of the reports. The gender of victims and offenders was evenly distributed. Over 57% of intimate partner murders occurred between November and February. A firearm was the most common type of weapon used during an intimate partner murder. You can find the full report here: https://osbi.ok.gov/sites/g/files/gmc476/f/publications/2019/02/An_Analysis_of_Intimate_Partner_Murders_in_Oklahoma_Using_SIBRS_-_Final.pdf If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic assault, help is out there. Call the 24-hour Safeline: 1-800-522-SAFE(7233) today.


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