Tulsa Emergency Lines down until further notice
OklahomaHuman InterestHealthTechnology
(TULSA, Okla.) The City of Tulsa Public Safety Communications is experiencing a temporary disruption in 911 service. It began at approximately 8:15 am Tuesday and is believed to be related to a fire at ATT. Currently 911 is operational but sporadic on the backup system. 911 calls and the non-emergency number 918-596-9222 are being answered when the calls go through, however limited data is available to call takers.
Tulsa Police Officers are being stationed at QuikTrip stores, major arterial intersections, and fire stations within the City of Tulsa. Citizens experiencing problems with the 911 system should look for an officer at those locations or at one of the three uniform divisions.
Riverside Division
7515 S Riverside Parkway
Gilcrease Division
3436 N Delaware Ave
Mingo Valley Division
10122 E 11th Street
The Tulsa Police Department will be on operation slick streets until the 911 issue is corrected. Low priority calls will experience a delayed response.
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