Apartments evacuated after drunk man threatens to blow them up with propane
(TULSA, Okla.) On Sunday at 11:44 p.m., officers were radio assigned to the French Villa Apartments in reference a domestic in-progress. Upon the officer’s arrival they made contact with the victim.
The victim stated her husband, Charles Fox was very intoxicated and assaulted her which resulted in visible injuries. She then said Charles obtained a propane tank from their outdoor grill and brought it inside the apartment. He then told her he was going to blow the apartment up.
The victim then exited the apartment and the police were called. These events were further corroborated by a witness.
Officers then contained the apartment and began to evacuate nearby apartments. TFD arrived and took air quality measurement from outside the front door and detected a high level of propane gas. With that information all the apartments in that building were evacuated. The bomb team and SOT Commander were contacted and responded to the scene.
With arrest teams in place the back-sliding door glass was breached with a beanbag launcher. The suspect then exited the apartment and was taken into custody. With the apartment being ventilated entry was made and the apartment was cleared.
Officers did discover two propane tanks in the bedroom along with an air hose and sprayer. The suspect was then transported to booking. All the residents were then let back into their apartments.
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