Public input needed on multimodal transportation plan for next four years
(OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.) The Oklahoma Department of Transportation wants to hear from the public about the state’s planned transportation projects and programs for various modes of travel over the next four years. The agency is currently seeking feedback on the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program for Federal Fiscal Year 2020 through 2023.
The STIP is a planning document required by federal guidelines that details a list of upcoming projects using federal funds by the state, local and tribal governments.
The FFY 2020 through 2023 STIP includes:
Highway and interstate projects by ODOT;
Federal programs administered by ODOT, including county and small city, railroad crossing safety, active transportation and enhancement projects;
Tribal transportation projects;
Local government projects by member communities of the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments in the Oklahoma City metro area, the Indian Nations Council of Governments in the greater Tulsa area, the Lawton Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Frontier Metropolitan Planning Organization, which includes Oklahoma cities and towns in the Fort Smith, Ark. area; and
Public transit programs administered by ODOT
“The STIP gives the public a great snapshot of the federally-funded projects and programs across multiple modes of transportation that they can expect to see in their communities during the next few years,” Deputy Director Dawn Sullivan said. “Federal funds are essential for improving our transportation system, so we hope Oklahomans will take time to review this plan to see how those dollars are going to be spent.”
The full proposed STIP can be viewed online at by clicking the Programs and Projects tab and then clicking Transportation Programs. A printed copy of the STIP can be requested by contacting ODOT’s Strategic Asset and Performance Management Division at 405-521-6433.
Comments may be made via email to or in writing to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, SAPM Division, 200 N.E. 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK, 73105. Comments will be taken through Dec. 6.
Substantive comments will be addressed and will be incorporated into the final document that will be forwarded to the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration later in December for review and approval.
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