City of Tulsa

Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Mayor Nichols Announces Next Steps to Solidify Housing as Priority in Tulsa

(TULSA, Okla.) On Monday Mayor Nichols issued an executive order establishing housing as a priority for the City of Tulsa. This executive order is aimed at addressing the Mayor's goals,...

City Working with the State Department of Health (OSDH) Following Postivie Rabies Case in Area Dog

(TULSA, Okla.) Tulsa Animal Services is working with OSDH following confirmation of a positive rabies case near E. Admiral Pl. and N. Harvard Ave.  The confirmation follows a report of a...

City of Tulsa Prepared for Winter Weather; Response Plan and Safety Tips

(TULSA, Okla.) The City of Tulsa, Tulsa Area Emergency Management Agency (TAEMA), and various community partners have mobilized resources for extreme cold temperatures and winter weather...

City Prepares for Extreme Cold, Possible Winter Weather; 35 Outreach Teams Deployed to Assist Homeless Population

(TULSA, Okla.) The City of Tulsa is preparing for severe cold weather expected next week, in addition to potential wintry weather on Sunday, Jan. 5. Cold Weather Preparation & Homeless...

Mayor Nichols, Community Partners Celebrate $2 Million Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative

(TULSA, Okla.) On Thursday, December 19th Mayor Monroe Nichols and multiple community partners announced the launch of the Tulsa Community-Based Violence Intervention Initiative (TCVI) to...

1921 Graves Memorial Service Held at Oaklawn Cemetery

(TULSA, Okla.) Oaklawn Cemetery is back open to the public after a memorial service Tuesday morning honored the individuals who were found as part of the 1921 Graves...

City of Tulsa Weather Update

(TULSA, Okla.) The City of Tulsa is assessing conditions after the severe storm that passed through Tulsa early Sunday morning.   We are getting reports of loose items blown around by...

Beyond Apology Commission Conducts First Meeting with Newly Appointed Members

(TULSA, Okla.) The Beyond Apology Commission had its first meeting on Friday, Oct. 18, following the appointments of nine community members selected through an application process. In...

Tulsa Responds Opens City’s Second Financial Empowerment Center

(TULSA, Okla.) Tulsa Responds has opened a second Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) to offer free, individualized, financial counseling to individuals and families in Tulsa.   The new...

City Breaks Ground on New Animal Shelter; Tulsa Animal Welfare Announces Name Change to “Tulsa Animal Services”

(TULSA, Okla.) As part of 918 Day festivities, the City of Tulsa celebrated the groundbreaking of the brand-new Tulsa Animal Services shelter. "Animal welfare has changed drastically...