Medics urge caution as Tulsa’s heat wave continues
Photo Courtesy: National Weather Service- Tulsa
(TULSA, Okla.) At least 60 people have called medics for suspected heat-related illnesses since a Medical Heat Alert was issued last week.
It is the first Medical Heat Alert of the year, and it is still going strong. Officials say the alert will only expire “when EMSA responds to fewer than five suspected heat-related calls in a single day and/or temperatures and forecasted temperatures substantially.”
On Thursday, EMSA medics responded to nine calls believed to be heat-related.
National Weather Service- Tulsa predicts Friday will be the final day of Tulsa’s heat wave, with high temperatures dropping off by Saturday. But heat indices could still reach up to 104 in parts of Green Country on Friday, so officials are asking people to remain vigilant against the heat.
EMSA recommends the following precautions:
*PRE-HYDRATION is key in preventing heat-related illness. Drink plenty of water/ electrolyte replacement drinks several hours prior to & during long exposure to the heat.
*Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing and a wide brimmed hat if working outdoors and take plenty of shade breaks.
*No alcohol or caffeine.
*Don’t limit your time inside with air conditioning.
*Use the buddy system if working outdoors and check on elderly neighbors.
*Keep a cell phone on you at all times when outdoors, including walking, running daily errands, yard work or sports and physical activity.
Forecasters said relief is on the way, thanks to chances of showers and thunderstorms Sunday evening and an approaching cold front expected at the beginning of next week.
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