VNN debuts first collection of NFTs
(NATIONAL) Verified News Community members can now show their support for one or more community reports by purchasing NFTs from the “VNN Illustrated News Stories” collection.
Through collaboration between journalists and graphic artists, illustrated news stories bring events to life like never before. This new concept is anticipated to increase engagement and connection by incorporating creative digital artwork into in-depth journalism.
50 First Edition NFTs of each story were listed at .001 Ethereum ($2.87 at current listing) and include access to the story’s full comic book.
Want to learn more about NFTs? Click here.
The “Illustrated News Story” Collection features the following stories now available on OpenSea, in order of publication and mint:
Missing and Murdered
The latest VNN investigative news story into the disappearance and murder of Britney Tiger.
Two Decades Later
After nearly a quarter of a century, a Tulsa woman is still behind bars for killing her abuser.
The 21st Century Renaissance
Affirmation that Oklahoma's reservations had never been disestablished was a win for Muscogee sovereignty amidst other recent triumphs.
The NFT debut is part of VNN’s continued mission to revolutionize news media, combining top-quality reporting with the latest emerging technologies.

I've enjoyed all the illustrated stories from VNN. I cannot wait to see more of them!!