City announces new Tulsa Affordable Housing Strategy

Collaborator: City of Tulsa
Published: 12/12/2019, 11:00 AM
Edited: 03/11/2021, 10:22 AM
(TULSA, Okla.) Mayor G.T. Bynum and Housing Policy Director Becky Gligo announced Thursday the City of Tulsa Affordable Housing Strategy, with some of its first phases underway and others set to rollout in the first quarter of 2020. The City of Tulsa Affordable Housing Strategy hinges on four core values to develop strategies to strengthen neighborhoods, preserve and develop affordable housing opportunities, reduce evictions and help lower the number of Tulsans facing homelessness. Gligo says the strategy is vital to Tulsa’s future, as Tulsa lacks more than 4,000 quality affordable housing units and ranks as the 11th highest evictor in the nation. “As Tulsa continues to take its place as a world class city, we must ensure that all Tulsans have a safe, affordable, quality place to live,” Gligo said. “Housing disparities are unacceptable and we must do better. This strategy sets up the framework to make that a reality, but it will take all of us to make it happen. I have been honored to work alongside the housing strategy coalition and look forward to continuing to work with them to take this strategy from plan to reality. Our work is just beginning but our vision is clear: The City of Tulsa will be an economically thriving, inclusive community with quality housing opportunities for all its residents.” With a guiding neighborhood focus, the Strategy outlines 10 goals with actionable metrics, many of which are designed to tackle the social detriments of health and life expectancy gaps. “To meet the needs of all of our neighbors, we must create policies and strategies that work to reinvest in our neighborhoods,” Mayor Bynum said. “I’m confident this housing strategy will help improve people’s lives through the creation of the types of housing our neighbors need for their safety and vitality.” Also announced Thursday, Becky Gligo will take a leadership position for strategic plan implementation for A Way Home For Tulsa, a collective impact working on a strategic plan to reduce the number of Tulsans facing homelessness. “It is the mission of A Way Home for Tulsa to prevent and end homelessness in Tulsa County through partnerships with nonprofit organizations, private businesses, governmental entities, philanthropic communities and citizens,” said Rhene Ritter, Program Coordinator for A Way Home For Tulsa. “We are grateful to have Becky Gligo join our efforts as she focuses on helping make homelessness in Tulsa rare, brief and non-recurring.” In some of its first steps, the City will work to create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund, use the Housing Opportunity Partnership to create new, affordable homeownership opportunities and work to launch educational outreach for landlords and tenants. Read the full City of Tulsa Affordable Housing Strategy at


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